
Here you will find information about my personal background and the 'Humor-Laughter' website, which I started in 2007

Personal information

I am a Humorist, Author and a passionate believer and promoter of the many physical and mental benefits you can achieve with humor and laughter.

I invite you to visit my web page 'About Me' for more information on how I got into the Humor and Laughter field.

I have an Honors degree in Business Administration, am a Certified Human Resources Professional, and a Certified Yoga Laughter Leader.

My career has been in Human Resources Management and Human Resources Consulting

I have written 3 books on the subjects and hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and I have been interviewed on TV, radio, and podcasts about the virtues of humor and laughter.

Website information

My website provides a diverse menu of humor and laughter therapeutic health and wellness information, tips on how to use humor and laughter, humorous material, humor quizzes, contests, and much more....

Whether you want to develop a sense of humor, require stress relief, enhance healing, deal with chronical illness or grieving, you'll find it all on this website.

All topics are easily accessed by using the buttons on the left side of the web page.

I publish a 'one' page monthly newsletter/ezine that provides ongoing humor and laughter tips, quotes and entertaining material.

You can sign up for the newsletter/e-zine by completing the 'Free Humor E-zine' form below.