Welcome to the 17th Humormeister's Forum edition
Laughter motivational quote of the month
Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice!
Author unknown
The 1 Minute Laugh
The woman applying for a job at a Florida lemon grove seemed way too qualified for the job. "Look Miss," said the foremen, Have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?"
"Well, as a matter of fact, yes" she replied, I've been divorced three times."
Anyone who subscribed to this newsletter and could not open the bonus e-book - let me know and I will send it in a different format.
Anyone who did not get my bonus e-book when they subscribed to this newsletter - let me know and I will send you the bonus e-book.
You can now follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Myspace.
In order that we can keep the https://www.humor-laughter.com website interesting and appealing we would appreciate your feedback and ideas.
As thanks for sending your feedback and ideas, I will send you my 90 page e-book "Kids say the doggonest things."
I look forward to hearing from you!
"Spring give-away"
If you haven't already done so, visit the url below and select whatever FREE gifts or services are to your liking.
http://www.beliefequalspossibility.com/Belief_Equals_Possibility_Giveaway_Squeeze.html Free e-book
My friend Daniel Herzner is giving away a limited number of his 90 page e-book 'A Plum in the Syrup." The book contains 17 observations, suggestions, and truths you can adopt to live a more fulfilled life.
Visit http://www.APlumInTheSyrup.com for your FREE copy.
Special Health & Fitness offer
Interested in greater health, fitness, wellness and happiness?
My friend Debi Silber, a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach and Lifestyle Expert has developed a CD program called "From Mom to Wow," the ultimate Body, Mind and Life makeover Guide.
This program will help you get to the root of your nutrition, fitness and wellness struggles.
You can find her at: http://tinyurl.com/mdwx43
Spring/Summer humor-laughter contest
Submit your funniest story, or experience and have a chance to win a copy of my newest book 'How to put more humor and laughter into your life," which will be published late this summer.
The contest ends in September and a draw for the 'funniest story' will be made in October.
Article of the month How to put more Fun into your Life
Many of us don't give ourselves permission to have fun. You've all heard and perhaps used the expression TGIF - thank God it's Friday!
We live for the weekend. On the weekend, we take the kids to baseball, soccer, ballet etc., we clean, we scrub, and come Sunday evening it almost feels good to go back to work again.
We should not defer fun to a specific day or weekend. we need to make a commitment to make every day a 'fun' day. We have to train ourselves to enjoy life.
It's usually the small things in life that give us the most enjoyment such as, seeing children happily playing, the sound of a catching melody, the beauty of a patch or bouquet of flowers, the phone call from an old friend.....
We become what we think about most. If we think happy, we can be happy. Conversely, if we think negatively and pessimistically life will turn out that way.
Perfection is a killer in the pursuit of happiness. The beds must be made up perfect, God help us if the bed inspectors came over and saw a bed that wasn't perfectly made up. Everything must be in its proper place, because what if the catalogers came in and found something was out of place.
Give yourself a break, ease up on yourself and allow a little bit of disorganization from time to time. Break with routine and don't put yourself in the same old rut day after day, week after week.....
Here are a few things you can do to have more fun and be happier as a result:
Reward, thank yourself. Pat yourself on the back for all the things you do for yourself, family members, co-workers and friends.
Play some of your favorite music. Hum, sing along with it. tap out the beat with your fingers or feet. Get right into it and enjoy!
Smile, laugh! When we smile or laugh, it makes us feel good. Smiling and laughing are contagious, and we can make the people around us join in spreading the fun and happiness.
Do something spontaneous. Have an unexpected and unplanned 'Fun Fling,'like going to the movies on a weekday, or inviting some friends over for a fun game, or card night.
Call a 'fun-loving' friend ( humor buddy ) and have some great laughs.
Watch some of your favorite TV sitcoms and get caught up in the fun of the moment.
Throw your diet in the wind for an evening and enjoy a fun outing, eating your favorite dishes
Looking for a gift that is funny and unique, visit the 'Fun Shop' on my website
All or part of this newsletter may be reprinted with permission, provided that credit is given to the author and his website www.humor-laughter.com