Welcome to the 14th Humormeister's Forum edition
A friend of mine, Justin Sachs, has launched his new book "Your Mailbox is full" on March 17th. The book is a perfect tool for teenagers and young adults.
Justin is offering a FREE bonus to anyone who purchases his book. The bonus package includes my newest FREE e-book "Manage your Stress with Humor and Laughter."
The book and bonus package is now available from www.MotivateYourTeen.com
Are we having fun yet?
Many of us get into a rut. Life is not always as exciting as we would like it to be. However, we have the ability to do something about it.
We can resign ourselves to continue to stay in a rut, being bored, lacking fun and excitement, or we can decide to do something about it.
'Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means that you decided to look beyond the imperfections'
Author unknown
April is 'International Humor Month,' which appropriately starts April 1st - April Fools Day. To celebrate "International Humor Month,'ask yourself what you can do to add some healthy humor to the world around you.
Regarding my website www.humor-laughter.com I am working on providing a "Fun Shop" page where you will be able to buy fun items, such as T-shirts, posters, gag gifts etc. I'll keep you posted as to when it will be up and running.
Article of the month:
How to increase your happiness in life
Will Fleeson of Wake University, Winsto, Salem, North Carolina, says that a sure way to increase happiness is to become active.
Even the smallest activity that is energetic, adventurous, assertive or bold will boost your happiness.
Volunteers who monitored their daily feelings reported that they felt happier when they were active and engaged regardless of whether they were extroverts or introverts.
The surprise factor in Fleeson's research was that a person can change their behavior and make themselves happier. He found that any active behavior, such as singing, or dancing to music from radio, CD's, or any listening device has a positive effect on one's mood.
Laughing out loud and even 'fake laughter,'as practiced by thousands of Laughter Clubs around the world is deemed to be adventurous and bold action. Putting on a happy face as in the song "Put on a happy face" appears that it can have an effect on people and can make a difference in a person's attitude and behavior. And 'Yes,'we have a lot to smile about.
According to Will Fleeson, researchers at the Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., Americans have more wealth, health and comforts than 99.9% of anybody who ever lived on this earth, and people feel as good as anyone ever has.
Take note!
Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset, or mad is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back.
You can now find me on Facebook and Twitter!
All or part this newsletter may be reprinted with permission and providing credit to the author and his website www.humor-laughter.com If you have some good ideas for article material, or a funny experience - send it to me and I'll e-mail you my latest e-book "Manage your stress with humor and laughter" in appreciation.