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The Humormeister's Forum, Issue #000115
April 30, 2017

Welcome to the 112th Humormeister's Forum edition

Spring has sprung! What a joy! New grass, new buds on the trees, the promise of flowers and fragrances, color, and the warmth of the sun.

The return of the birds. The joy of kids' laughter playing and having fun.

Wishing you all a happy Spring and Summer filled with lots of laughter!

Funny quotes

Lighten up! It's the only life you've got. - Gerry Hopman

Happiness quote

Cheerfulness is contagious. Choose cheerful people for your friends and you will become cheerful too - Author unknown

The 1 Minute laugh

In the past, it was quite common to have the question 'Sex' on employment application forms ( to indicate gender ).

A female University student who submitted her application for a seasonal Summer job filled in the 'Sex' question with answer: Once in Yellowstone Park and I didn't like it.

Kids are funny!

It was that time during Sunday morning church service for the children's sermon.

All the children were invited to come to the front of the church. One little girl, wearing a particularly pretty dress, sat down.

The minister leaned over and said ,"That's a pretty dress. Is it your Easter dress?

The little girl replied directly into the minister's clip-on microphone and replied, "Yes, and my mom says, it's a bitch to iron!"

You may be 'humor impaired' if......

  • Your PMS lasts all month - and you're a man
  • You feel emotionally constipated most of you awake hours
  • Your daily coping strategy consists of 3 shots of rye and cold pizza
  • You mooned your boss only twice this week
  • Your bad hair day has extended to the rest of your body
  • You'r afraid that 'humor' will upset your routine of feeling bad
  • You know that you a 'funny bone' at one time, but you can't remember where it is located anymore

If you loose your zest for laughter - you loose your zest for life!

Life is good when laughter is frequent!

  • We need to socialize more!
  • We need to generate more humor and laughter in our lives!
  • We have to enjoy life instead of enduring it!

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"If you lose your zest for laughter - you lose your zest for life!"

All or part of this newsletter may be reprinted with permission, provided that credit is given to the author and his website

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